Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bulgaria - Burgas Bomber Identified ?!!

[Update included on July 23]

Headline from People's Network, Beijing, on July 20, 2012:

以色列游客大巴遭袭 凶手被指曾是关塔那摩囚犯

Surprise attack on Israeli tourist bus.
Indications that assassin is [a former]
Guantánamo prisoner.


According to a Russian News Agency report from July 20 and that is quoting Bulgarian media, the suicide bomber suspect, involved in a surprise attack on an Israeli tourist bus in Bulgaria, is probably a former U.S. prisoner locked up in Guantánamo prison, Cuba.

保加利亚媒体确认这名嫌犯叫做迈赫迪·赫扎里(Mehdi Ghezali),现年33岁,是一名阿尔及利亚裔瑞典公民。当地时间18日,他登上停在保加利亚布尔加斯(Burgas)机场一辆以色列旅游大巴,随后引爆身上的炸弹。炸死5名以色列人和一名当地司机,当时车上有40名以色列游客。此外,赫扎里还持有美国护照和密歇根驾驶执照,均被指是伪造的。

Bulgarian media confirm the suspect's name being Mehdi Ghezali, aged 33 and a Swedish citizen of Algerian extraction. On [July] 18, local time, he mounted a bus with Israeli tourists that was stopping at Burgas airport, Bulgaria. Soon afterwards he detonated the bomb he carried on his body. The explosion killed 5 Israelis and the local [bus] driver. At that time, there were 40 Israeli tourists on board. Furthermore, Ghezali held a U.S. passport and a [Michigan] driving license.


Bulgarian and Swedish officials immediately denied the media report, saying that the suicide bomber's name was wrong [and that] Ghezali was not the perpetrator of this case of suicide attack. Bulgarian authorities already have gathered evidence at the detonation site, including the criminal suspect's fingerprints and DNA, [while working] together with America's FBI and CIA as well as Israel's security.


Bulgarian media are saying that Ghezali was kept in Guantánamo prison between 2002 and 2004 under suspicion of being [a member] of Al-Qaeda organization's secret service. In 2004, he was transferred to the Swedish authorities who set him free only some time later. The Bulgarian government is saying the attacker might have arrived some days before, probably after having enjoyed some support.

Comment by Ulysses:

After having read related reports on the suicide bombing in Bulgaria from different sources (New York Times and Haaretz, Israel), I decided to translate the full article from its Chinese original version. Any information received from other sources is being related to some kind of secret war between Iran and its "protégé" Hezbollah on one side and Israel (and some U.S. circles) on the other side.

While such constellation is usually taken as an excuse for another round of terrorism and "counter-terrorism", ordinary people are getting more and more fed up. Only to look at a list of reader's comments on the website of Haaretz which I did not expect. If the Bulgarian media are right in their estimation of the recent suicide bombing, this can mean another problem for the U.S. who are now facing the resistence of those "poor devils" who had been illegally and with little evidence dragged to Guantánamo and there probably turned into some kind of "freelance" terrorists.


New York Times on July 19, 2012:

The attacks, the [senior U.S.] official said, were in retaliation for the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, for which Iran has blamed Israeli agents — an accusation that Israel has neither confirmed nor denied. “This was tit for tat,” said the American official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was still under way.
Israeli officials were swift to blame Iran on Wednesday in the immediate aftermath of the bombing, and Mr. Netanyahu did not let up on Thursday. “The time has come for all countries that know the truth to speak it,” he said at the news conference. “Iran is the one behind the wave of terror. Iran is the No. 1 exporter of terror in the world.”

Mr. Netanyahu added, “A terrorist state must not have a nuclear weapon.”
The bomber had a fake Michigan driver’s license, but there are no indications that he had any connection to the United States, the American official said, adding that there were no details yet about the bomber like his name or nationality. He also declined to describe what specific intelligence — intercepted communications, analysis of the bomber’s body parts or other details — that led analysts to conclude that the bomber belonged to Hezbollah.


Haaretz, Israel, on July 20, 2012:

Speaking on the attack earlier Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday’s attack in the coastal city of Burgas, in which five Israelis were killed, was carried out by Hezbollah with Iranian backing.

“We will pursue the attackers and extract a heavy price from those who sent them,” Netanyahu said, adding, “We will continue fighting Iranian terror, we will act against it with great force.”

“For over a year, Iran, along with its protégé Hezbollah, has been waging an international terror campaign,” he said, calling Iran “the world’s number one exporter of terror” and Hezbollah its “long arm.”

Netanyahu said Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for a number of attacks and attempted attacks against Israeli targets, in Thailand, Georgia, India, Greece, Cyprus and other countries.

Israel and its Neighbours:

For the 15th time since the revolution of January 25:
Detonation at the Egyptian gas pipeline to Israel.

[Above:] Traces of a detonation in February last year
at the pipeline that provides Israel with [natural] gas.

Egypt is founding companies for the
exploitation of minerals in Africa.

Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic website, on July 22, 2012.

What is Moving the Iranian People:

احتجاجات على سعر الدجاج تتحول لمظاهرات في إيران

Protests against the price of poultry are
transforming into demonstrations in Iran.

أطلقوا شعارات تقول: على الحكومة أن تخجل وتحل عن الشعب

[Intonation] of slogans saying:
"Shame for the government" and "Apologize to the people".

Source: Al-Arabiya, Arabic website, on July 23, 2012.

Visitor access points to "blueprint news"
in Bulgaria and the Palestinian Territory:

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