Latest UPDATE of this blogspot on January 16, 2012.
Revised U.S. military strategy pressing on China.
Uncle Sam so much afraid of China.
What does America fear from us ? They are afraid of China's power and prosperity ! As a result, they are obstructing our development by every possible means. Though we are not inclined to change each other's place [in the world], just being wholeheartedly devoted to carry on [our] development. What else does America fear from us ? They are afraid because we enjoy favorable external conditions. As a result, they are [steadily] sowing discord and are giving a helpful hand to the formation of bandit factions, thus poisoning the atmosphere of [our] development. Our rules [or: laws] need to cope with various political groupings and [we need to] skilfully handle [our] foreign affairs. Friends we have to win over, the more the better. The isolated [individuals or positions] we have to oppose, the fewer the better.
[Source: People's Network, Beijing, January 8, 2012]
This text has been translated by Ulysses who introduced all remarks in brackets in order to reach a better understanding of the Chinese source. "People's Network" can be considered as a semi-official publication of the People's Republic directed to its own people rather than "China Daily" which is being published in English for Western readers. The above comment should therefore be regarded as what it is : An unmasked piece of semi-official opinion from China. The translator recognizes some poisonous aspects in that comment which might be based on a profound misunderstanding between the American and Chinese positions. It could therefore be useful to "work" on that misunderstanding in order to avoid any further acceleration of an already existing conflict.
Asia's great nations and their complex attitude
towards America's new military strategy
... is a related article published by People's Network on January 9, 2012. It is dealing with the presumed attitude of countries like Thailand and Australia towards the new goal that has been set for the armed forces by U.S. President Obama. Here some excerpts from that article:
It's just another year that America emphasized its war strategy of "returning to Asia", the spearhead of which became visible last time on January 5 in a new military report.
Media reports of [all] great Asian countries generally consider two points worth to be taken seriously. One of them is [implying] that Asian regions become focal points [of that strategy]. The second point is America's intention to further cut down military expenditures. Some analysts [liter.: scholars] are even more paying attention rather to the second of these points and any questions it might probably raise.
In January 2012, talks between ASEAN states and China should begin on what the U.S. call a "code of conduct" that would allow foreign ships to freely navigate the South China Sea which is, up to now, eagerly controlled by Chinese naval forces.

According to U.S. media, America desires to promote a "code of
conduct for the South China Sea" that would put restrictions on China.
On [January] 10 in Washington, Jonathan Greenert, the head of U.S. Navy's operative department [precisely: Naval Operations Admiral], showed [the need to] reply to the increase of possibilities occurring to China's economic and military abilities [by means of] establishing regional standards of restriction [... to China !]. America and their allies in the great regions of Asia are altogether pushing forward an international code of conduct as a regulation that firmly guarantees liberty of navigation in the South China Sea.
[People's Network citing a Western source, January 13, 2012]
The following, most recent article is showing how America and China are increasingly drifting apart on the subject of any free navigation in the South China Sea.
[People's Network, January 16, 2012]
At the conference convened in Beijing, high-ranking officials from China and 10 nations of the Asian alliance [ASEAN] as well as high officials from the secretariat of that alliance, are stepping forward to promote a practical exchange of views for a "Declaration of Mutual Conduct in the South China Sea" [while realizing the] implementation of some items already [decided] in cooperation on the basis of common [considerations]. The realization of that conference indicates that a peaceful stabilization of the current situation is its ultimate goal.
In comparison with [that conference], the U.S. convened "South China Sea Conference" hasn't got much of a peaceful atmosphere. As can be seen from related information spread by U.S. media, certain persons in Washington are looking passively on the situation of the South China Sea and which is steadily developing [while] America seemingly wishes to be excluded [from that development], yet appearing eager to some extent to [demonstrate its] worried attitude.
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