Friday, February 08, 2008

U.S. Latinos Dying for Oil

Mexican activists opposing the war in Iraq
now revealed that a majority of Latinos from
Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras are among
the 3.950 officially registered U.S. casualties.
Telesur (Mexico) via Cubavision (Feb. 7, 2008)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bush on the Edge of Dying ?

Even "defunct"
Cuban leader
looking better !

Fidel Castro
with Brasilian
Lula da Silva
(Jan. 16, 2008)

Friday, January 11, 2008

US-Iran: Recession Fuelling Political Tension

Update March 26, 2008:
With consumer's confidence in the U.S. lowest since 1974 and jobs harder to find than ever, an even deeper recession is expected to come.
source: BBC business report March 26, 2008

War on Iran is
looming while
economic reces-
sion in the U.S.
is already under
way. The naval
conflict of Janu-
ary 2008 could
become an ex-
cuse for hostile
to be
taken immedi-
ately by a des-
perate Bush
even before the presidential elections to come.
While Goldman Sachs and Merril Lynch still disagree
about the actual state of a U.S. recession, not about the
fact itself, 3000 fresh troops are to be sent to Afghanistan;
troops to pacify that secret base of action against Iran
and to ensure logistic support for those bomber squadrons,
expected to deliver the first blow against Iran's capital of
President Bush who eagerly described the U.S. as being
"addicted to oil" and the Republican's most promising
candidate McCain who recently volunteered in a public
"singing out" of that old Beach Boys' tune in its moder-
nized version "Bomb, Bomb Iran !", both are now very
close to their goal.
Political tension abroad and economic recession at home
have always been the perfect mix to trigger off a global


Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto Assassinated

The announcement of assassination:

(Arabic service)

(English service)

Pakistani TV
(quoted by Al-Jazeera)

Here now the complete story as published by

A historic website on Central Asia, published
by BLUEPRINT magazine, can provide some
useful facts on how things developed in that
region at a very early stage.

Who did it ?

After having followed a discussion on Al-Jazeera TV
that was based on a chat between some Pakistani
activists claiming responsibility for the assassination,
kind of "confession" even doubted by a U.S. expert,
I searched active Islamic websites myself, however,
without finding any comment whatsoever on that
subject. So I've come to think, that Benazir Bhutto's
murder was a mere matter of coincidence and could
have happened any time and anywhere in Pakistan
while Al-Qaeda's main target remains president
Musharraf who didn't fall prey to even one of the
numerous assaults launched at him simply because
he isn't sticking out his nose when seated in one of
his bullet-proof cars. (Update December 31, 2007)

fake confession
by Pakistani

"Musharraf is the one
who is trying to cheat
the Muslimic Nation
in Pakistan"
Bin Laden's deputy
Zawahiri in a video
dating from 2006

Update Jan.10,2008:
Pakistan's nuclear
weapons considered
unsafe because of
country's unstable

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Bin Laden - Latest Records - March 2008 / December 2007

Record from March 20, 2008

As the English translation or parts of it can be found elsewhere, here's the French translation of Bin Laden's latest message, hinting at possible consequences to the peoples of Europe because of their hypocrisy towards the followers of Islam. The given date of publication is only an approximation and corresponding with some Western media. In fact, I found the original material some days before when I was too busy to extract it at once.
By the way, there is a second message of Bin Laden that appeared on the same day and included an urgent demand of support for Palestine in its struggle against Israel.
Now, here is the French version of Bin Laden's first message considered to be genuine:

Au Nom d'Allah le Très Miséricordieux, le Tout Miséricordieux

Aux intelligents dans l'Union Européenne:

Que la paix soit sur celui qui suit la guidée.

Ce message s'adresse à vous et concerne les dessins insultants et votre négligence malgré l'opportunité présentée pour prendre les mesures nécessaires afin d'empêcher qu'ils soient répétés.

Pour commencer, je vous dis: l'hostilité entre les êtres humains est très ancienne, mais les intelligents parmi les nations de toutes les époques ont veillé à observer les étiquettes de la dispute et les morales du combat. Et cela est mieux pour eux, alors que le conflit est en changement perpétuel et que la guerre a ses hauts et ses bas.

Cependant, vous, dans votre conflit avec nous, avez abandonné beaucoup de morales du combat dans la pratique, même si vous en revendiquez ses slogans en théorie. Combien cela nous attriste que vous preniez pour cible nos villages avec vos bombardements: les modestes villages de boue qui se sont effondrés sur nos femmes et enfants. Vous faites cela intentionnellement, et j'en suis le témoin.

Tout cela, vous le faites sans droit et en conformité avec votre allié oppressif qui - avec ses politiques agressives - va quitter la Maison Blanche. Et il ne vous est plus caché que ces actes sauvages n'ont pas mis fin à la guerre, mais plutôt, ont augmenté notre détermination à nous accrocher à notre droit, venger notre peuple et expulser les envahisseurs de notre pays. Et vous savez également que ces massacres ne s'effacent jamais de la mémoire des peuples, et les effets de cela ne sont pas cachés.

Bien que notre tragédie dans le meurtre de nos femmes et de nos enfants en soit une très grande, elle est devenue insignifiante lorsque vous êtes allés plus loin encore dans votre mécréance et vous êtes affranchis des étiquettes de la dispute et du combat et en êtes arrivés au point de publier ces dessins insultants. C'est la plus grande et plus sérieuse tragédie, et sa prise en compte sera plus sévère.

Et je porte votre attention sur un sujet important, qui est qu'en dépit de votre publication des dessins insultants, vous n'avez assisté à aucune réaction du milliard et demi de Musulmans, qui comprend une insulte au Prophète d'Allah, Jésus fils de Marie (paix et bénédiction d'Allah sur lui). Nous croyons en tous les Prophètes (paix et bénédiction sur eux), et quiconque nuit ou se moque de l'un d'eux est un mécréant apostat. Et il convient de préciser qu'il n'y a pas besoin d'utiliser comme excuse la sacralité que vous accordez à la liberté d'expression et la sacralité de vos lois, et comment vous ne les changerez pas.

Si oui, alors sur quelles bases se basaient les soldats Américains exemptés d'être sujets à vos lois sur vos terres? Et sur quelles bases supprimez vous la liberté de ceux qui émettent des doutes sur les statistiques d'un événement historique? De plus, vous savez qu'il y a un homme qui peut mettre fin à ces dessins, si cela lui importait: le chef de la couronne à Riad, qui a ordonné à vos instances de cesser leurs investigations sur le détournement de fonds de milliards dans l'accord d'al-Yamama, et Blair en a été le responsable, et il est aujourd'hui votre représentant dans le quartet.

Pour résumer, donc, les lois des hommes qui entrent en conflit avec les législations d'Allah le Très-Haut, sont nulles et non avenues, ne sont pas sacrées et n'ont pas d'importance pour nous. De plus, votre attitude pratique envers l'accord d'al-Yamama requiert que vous admettiez qu'il y a certaines valeurs qui sont plus importantes que vos valeurs.

En conclusion, je vous dis:

Sil n'y a pas de vérification quant à la liberté de vos paroles, alors laissez vos cœurs être ouverts à la liberté de nos actes. Et il est étonnant, afin d'éclairer les autres, que vous parliez de tolérance et de paix dans une période où vos soldats perpétuent des meurtres même contre les faibles et les opprimés dans nos pays. Puis viennent vos publications de ces dessins, qui interviennent dans le cadre d'une nouvelle Croisade dans laquelle le Pape du Vatican a joué un grand et long rôle.

Et tout ceci est la confirmation de votre part de la poursuite de la guerre, tout comme un test des Musulmans dans leur religion: est-ce que le Messager (paix et bénédiction d'Allah sur lui) leur est plus cher qu'eux-mêmes et leur richesse? La réponse est ce que vous voyez, non ce que vous entendez, et puissent nos mères faire notre deuil si nous échouons à venir en aide à notre Messager d'Allah (paix et bénédiction d'Allah sur lui).

Et que la paix soit sur celui qui suit la guidée.

Record from December 2, 2007

Already announced some days ago,
here is the latest sound record of
Oussama Bin Laden. I volunteered
to compile the complete message of
Bin Laden's speech from the English
subtitles to facilitate its reading.
Here it is (version française en bas):

"All praise is for Allah who didn't
create the Creation for nothing and
didn't leave them in vain, but rather,
created them to worship Him, and
intelligent people obey Him and
miserable ones disobey Him.

As for what comes after:
This message of mine is to the peoples
of the states allied to America in the
invasion of Afghanistan, and I mention
specifically Europe.

Peace be upon those who follow the

It isn't hidden from you that the Afghans have tasted
the two bitterest things for two decades at the hands
of the Russians and their Communist agents. But they
persevered and fought and were resolute and victori-
ous, by the grace of Allah. And before their wounds
had healed and their grief had ended, they were in-
vaded without right by your unjust governments,
without stopping or think about or reflect on Bush's
claim that this invasion was a response to the events
of the 11th, although - as I mentioned previously -
the events of Manhattan were a response to the
American-Israeli coalition's murder of our people in
Palestine and Lebanon.

And it was I who was responsible for 9/11, and I stress
that all Afghans - both government and people - had no
knowledge of those events, and America knows that,
because some of the Taliban's ministers fell into its
hands as captives and they were interrogated and that
became known. And that's why the Taliban government
requested to produce the evidence for the truth of its
claims prior to the invasion, but it didn't produce any
evidence and instead insisted on invading; and Europe
marched behind it in that, and had no choice but to be
its vassal. It suffices as evidence of this your enter-
ing of the war and your excusing of American soldiers
from being held to account by the European courts.
For this reason, this address of mine is to you, not
to your politicians, as it is no longer a secret that
Blair, Brown, Berlusconi, Aznar, Sarkozy and those
with him and their like love to shade themselves in
the shade of the White House. And there isn't a major
difference worth mentioning between them and many
of the leaders of the Third World.

So to summarize, in this war you have combined
two injustices: The first is that this war was waged
against the Afghans without right. You didn't have
even one piece of evidence suitable for submission
to a court. Additionally, you destroyed the camps
of al-Qaida and killed some of its members, and you
captured others, most of who were from Pakistan.
So what is the sin of the Afghans due to which you
are continuing this unjust war against them? Their
only sin is that they are Muslims, and this illustrates
the extent of the Crusader's hatred of Islam and
its people.
Second, in this war, you have not observed the ethics
and protocol of warfare. Most of the victims - as a
result of the bombing - are women and children, and
intentionally so. You know that our women don't fight,
yet you target them even on days of celebration,
knowingly and adamantly, hoping by that to break the
morale of the Mujahideen.

This will not benefit you, however, for we are resolute
and, by the grace of Allah, the Glorious and Great,
continuing to take revenge on the unjust and expel
the occupying invaders. I have personally witnessed
incidents like these, and the matter continues on an
almost daily basis, and the hospitals are full of inno-
cent people.

You have no religion, morals, humanity or shame. And
for your information, the Afghan people are courageous,
defiant, jealous, honorable, religious Muslim people who
refuse humiliation and submission to invaders. And their
history is rich in resolve and victories. They fought
Britain in its glory days and defeated it by the grace
of Allah, and fought the Russians in their glory days
as well and defeated them by the grace of Allah. And
today, they are fighting America and its agents under
the leadership of the Commander of the Believers, Mulla
Umar, may Allah protect him, and under the command
of the Knight of the Field, Hajji Mansoor Dadullah. I ask
Allah, the Most High, to grant them victory and resolve.

In conclusion, I remind you that the American tide is
ebbing and that they shall soon depart for their home-
land beyond the Atlantic and leave the neighbours to
settle their accounts with each other. So it is better
for you to restrain your politicians who are thronging
the steps of the White House and work diligently to
remove oppression from the oppressed, for justice is
right and injustice is torment, and returning to the truth
is the hallmark of men of understanding.

And peace be upon those who follow the guidance."

Please note:
The sound record of Bin Laden has been released
by an Islamic media center, notorious for similar
publications related to al-Qaida. The original sound
track is available upon request for the use of public
security. As there's no need to chase me out of my
bed on a dark and cold winter morning, an official
and polite letter will do. - And peace be upon those
who follow the guidance.

Le dernier message de Ben Laden - 2.12.07
DOUBAI (Reuters) - Dans un enregistrement audio dont
la chaîne de télévision qatarie Al Djazira a diffusé des
extraits, Oussama ben Laden exhorte les pays européens
à mettre fin à leur coopération militaire avec les Etats-
Unis en Afghanistan (29.11.07).
L'orateur, dont la voix est similaire à celle d'Oussama
ben Laden, assure dans cet enregistrement que les taliban,
alliés de son réseau al Qaïda, n'étaient pas au courant
des projets d'attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-
Unis, principale raison invoquée par les Etats-Unis pour
envahir l'Afghanistan. En plus, il souligne que ce sont
surtout les femmes et les enfants qui font la majorité
des victimes afghanes et que le peuple afghan a déjà
survécu les invasions britanniques et russes et a tou-
jours réussi à chasser les ennemis en dehors de son