Showing posts with label Jordan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jordan. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The War on Gaza - Diplomatic Activity to Stop Israel -
Attack on Rafah Intended to Soothe Israel's Hardliners ?

Major General Adel Al-Omda, advisor to the Military Academy for Postgraduate and Strategic Studies, said that there are international warnings from all countries of the world to Israel against launching a military operation in the Palestinian city of Rafah, and Egypt rejects the idea of forced displacement and calls for open fire.

Adel Al-Omda explained that Israel is emphasizing pressure on the Gaza Strip through the city of Rafah, and in return, Egypt has a firm opinion regarding the Palestinian issue, and its decisions are in favor of the issue, pointing out that Netanyahu’s continued statements about implementing the operation to storm Rafah into Palestine are to calm the Zionist interior.

He stressed that Egypt has taken measures on its part to provide aid through natural and legal outlets for the Palestinians, ensure security and stability for it, and preserve its national security, because it considers these borders a red line, and it is taking thoughtful measures according to the situation’s data.

[Youm7, Egypt, on Feb. 17]

القاهرة - مباشر: قال محافظ شمال سيناء محمد عبد الفضيل شوشة، إن القوات المسلحة تقيم منطقة لوجستية لاستقبال المساعدات لصالح غزة؛ وذلك لتخفيف الأعباء عن السائقين والتكدسات الموجوده بالعريش، وعلى الطرق بجانب تسهيل عمل الهلال الأحمر المصري

وأكد المحافظ، اليوم السبت، أن المنطقة التي يجري إقامتها وتجهيزها، تضم أماكن لانتظار الشاحنات ومخازن مؤمنة ومكاتب إدراية وأماكن مبيت للسائقين وتزويدها بوسائل المعيشية والكهرباء، وفقا لوكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط

وأشار، إلى أن القوات المسلحة هي من تقوم بإنشاء المنطقة اللوجستية في رفح

وأعلن المحافظ عن وصول المساعدات الخاصة بقطاع غزة إلى المحافظة عن طريق البر والبحر والجو؛ حيث تصل إلى المحافظة الشاحنات بالطريق البري، بجانب وصول السفن عن طريق ميناء العريش البحري مع وصول الطائرات عبر مطار العريش الدولي

Cairo - Live: North Sinai Governor Mohamed Abdel Fadil Shusha said that the armed forces are establishing a logistical area to receive aid for Gaza. This is to reduce the burden on drivers and the crowds in Al-Arish and on the roads, in addition to facilitating the work of the Egyptian Red Crescent.

The governor confirmed today, Saturday, that the area being constructed and equipped includes parking areas for trucks, secured warehouses, administrative offices, and accommodation for drivers, and is provided with means of living and electricity, according to the Middle East News Agency.

He pointed out that the armed forces are establishing the logistics zone in Rafah.

The governor announced the arrival of aid for the Gaza Strip to the governorate by land, sea and air. Trucks arrive at the governorate by land, ships arrive via Al-Arish sea port, and planes arrive via Al-Arish International Airport.

[مباشر on Feb. 17]

التقى نائب رئيس الوزراء ووزير الخارجية وشؤون المغتربين أيمن الصفدي، اليوم، عدداً من نظرائه والمسؤولين الدوليين المشاركين في أعمال مؤتمر ميونخ للأمن، في سياق الجهود التي يبذلها الأردن لحشد موقف دولي فاعل يوقف الحرب المستعرة على غزة وما تنتجه من معاناة وكارثة إنسانية غير مسبوقة

وشدد الصفدي، خلال اللقاءات، على موقف المملكة الرافض لتهجير الفلسطينيين داخل أرضهم أو إلى خارجها، وعلى ضرورة ضمان إيصال المساعدات الإنسانية الكافية والمستدامة لجميع أنحاء القطاع، وعلى أن السبيل الوحيد لتحقيق الأمن والاستقرار والسلام في المنطقة هو حل الدولتين الذي يلبي طموحات وتطلعات الشعب الفلسطيني الشقيق في الحرية والدولة المستقلة ذات السيادة على خطوط الرابع من حزيران لعام ١٩٦٧ وعاصمتها القدس المحتلة

Deputy Prime Minister and [Jordanian] Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi met today with a number of his counterparts and international officials who are participating in the Munich Security Conference, as part of Jordan's efforts to mobilize an effective international position to stop the raging war on Gaza and the unprecedented suffering and humanitarian catastrophe it produces.

During the meetings, Safadi stressed the Kingdom's position rejecting the displacement of Palestinians inside or outside their land, and the need to ensure the delivery of adequate and sustainable humanitarian aid to all parts of the Gaza Strip, and that the only way to achieve security, stability and peace in the region is the two-state solution that meets the aspirations and aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people for freedom and an independent and sovereign state on the lines of the fourth of June 1967 with occupied Jerusalem as its capital.

[Al-Raya, Qatar, on Feb. 17]


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Rafah - A Ghetto for Palestinians
رفـح - غـيـتـو للـفـلـسـطـيـنـيين

Update added below on February 16 / 17

US newspaper "The New York Times" revealed, on Wednesday, that President Joe Biden decided to use his executive powers to protect thousands of Palestinians in America from deportation during the next 18 months.

The newspaper said that about 6,000 Palestinians are eligible for a postponement under the immigration program called “Deferred Forced Departure”.

The paper added that Biden based this step on the danger to which civilians are exposed in Gaza.

[Vetogate / New York Times on Feb. 15]

=> Watch authentic photos of people fleeing Rafah ! <=

Love Palestine - Palestinian Graffiti

Ambassador Nazih Al-Najari, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Moscow, met with Ambassador Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and President Putin's envoy to the Middle East and Africa, according to a statement issued by the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow.

Ambassador Nazih Al-Najari also confirmed to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Egypt’s rejection of any operation targeting the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip because it confirms efforts to liquidate the Palestinian issue and leads to a further threat to the stability of the region. In addition, it reflects intentions to displace the Palestinians from their lands on which international law guarantees the establishment of their independent state.

The Egyptian Ambassador and Ambassador Bogdanov agreed on the necessity of making all efforts to prevent further aggravation of the situation, and to contribute to the preparation of an atmosphere for the resumption of the peace process that should lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, in accordance with decisions of international legitimacy, as it is the only way to guarantee long-term stability and coexistence in the region.

[Al-Balad, Egypt, on Feb. 16]

قطر والأردن تبحثان تطورات غزة

استقبلَ جلالةُ الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين ملك المملكة الأردنيَّة الهاشميّة الشّقيقة، أمسِ، معالي الشّيخ محمَّد بن عبدالرحمن بن جاسم آل ثاني رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الخارجيَّة، وذلك على هامش مُؤتمر ميونخ للأمن.

جرى خلال المقابلة، استعراضُ عَلاقات التعاون بين البلدَين الشقيقَين، وآخر المستجدات في قطاع غزة والأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، ومناقشة سبل تعزيز الجهود الإقليمية والدولية للوقف الفوري لإطلاق النار، وتسريع دخول المساعدات الإنسانية إلى مناطق القطاع كافةً دون عوائق، بالإضافة إلى عددٍ من الموضوعات ذات الاهتمام المُشترك

Qatar, Jordan discussing Gaza developments

His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan yesterday received [Qatari] Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

During the meeting, they reviewed the cooperation relations between the two brotherly countries, the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, and discussed ways to enhance regional and international efforts for an immediate ceasefire, and accelerate the unhindered entry of humanitarian aid to all areas of the Gaza Strip, in addition to a number of issues of common interest.

[Al-Raya, semi-official source from Qatar on Feb. 17]
