Some days ago, a big German newspaper 'Die Welt' published an article written by business & media tycoon Elon Musk in which he gave a recommendation to vote for AFD in the upcoming Federal Elections on February 23, 2025.
AFD is a party on the rise during the actual period of economic uncertainty in Germany and, as well, known to be opposed to basic rules of democracy. Therefore many elements of society, still forming a majority in Germany, and who would like to avoid AFD as a major player in the building of a new government after the elections, are now outraged. Here is an excerpt of the comment published by German National Radio 'Deutsche Welle' on that subject:
Musk sorgt sich nicht um die deutsche Politik, von der er erkennbar wenig Ahnung hat, sondern um seine Investments als Unternehmer. Als solcher ist er daran interessiert, möglichst viel Geld zu verdienen, seine Tesla-Autos in Deutschland zu verkaufen und sein Tesla-Werk in Brandenburg zu betreiben. Deshalb fordert er weniger Bürokratie und Regulierung sowie scheinbar billigen Atomstrom.
Auf seinem eigenen sozialen Netzwerk X verbreitet er rechtsextremes Gedankengut und Verschwörungsmythen und erlangte auch damit einen Job unter dem künftigen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, wo er politische Rahmenbedingungen für seine wirtschaftlichen Interessen selbst mitgestalten kann.
Musk isn't worried about German politics, of which he understandably has little knowledge, but about his investments as an entrepreneur. As such, he's interested in making as much money as possible, selling his Tesla cars in Germany and running his Tesla factory in Brandenburg. That's why he wants less bureaucracy and regulation, as well as seemingly cheap nuclear power.
On his own social network, X, he spreads far-right ideas and conspiracy myths and even landed a job under future US President Donald Trump, where he can help shape the political framework for his own economic interest.
[Deutsche Welle on December 31, 2024]
The facility of Rummelsburg was the central prison of Eastern Germany's People's Police, the Vopos. As there were numerous inmates kept for political reasons, it was as well a prison under control of the Ministry of State Security, the Stasi. However, Vopos that formally belonged to the Ministry of the Interior were in charge of guarding the convicts and for regularly beating them up under the slightest pretext.
In 1989 the East German state GDR eventually crushed under the pressure of its subjects that took to the streets, in a climate of suppression and haunted by the consequences of an approaching national bankruptcy after 40 years of economic mismanagement.
Some specially chosen sadistic Vopos, known for their cruel treatment, took to their heels and immediately fled to the German Federal Republic GFR where they could be sure to miss their uninformed new neighbours' attention. Favourite destinations for former GDR officials became Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Some of them arrived in mixed groups, others showed up first, for a certain time, in some southern part of the former “Eastern Zone“ and from where they left, weeks later, to their final destination.
However, any crime whatsoever they might have committed in one or another case could qualify for “a crime against humanity“ and which might have juridical consequences even decades later.
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