Saturday, December 21, 2024

Trump 2025 - Yankee Doodle Goes to Town

Yankee Dödel Goes to Town:
America's mob of blockheads on the march to
Washington DC, led by a narcissistic trader of
neocon "virtues" and his efficiency consultant.

Now what is a 'Yankee Doodle' ?
In American English, the word's archaic meaning is related to a native or inhabitant of the United States, originally indicating a slightly ridiculous meaning. As Yankee Doodles are often depicted while blowing the pipe or beating the drums, one could imagine a relation between 'doodle' and some kind of music. In fact, the 'Yankee Doodle' is, as well, a famous patriotic song popular with the Americans in their Revolutionary War. Its chorus goes like that:

" Yankee doodle, keep it up
Yankee doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy. "

The similar sounding German word 'Dödel' [ˈdøːdl̩] or 'Dodel' is being used to describe some 'fool' or 'idiot' and can be replaced by different German synonyms like 'Dummkopf' or 'Dämlack'. In addition, the German language knows the sound-mimicking word of 'dudeln' or 'Dudelei' which can be related to the making of a low-quality music or to getting on another people's nerves with the same unchangeable stances. In folk music of the European Alp mountain region, 'holleri, du dödel du' is known as part of a 'yodler' of the native people there.

Get your yodler diploma at an
original German yodler school !

And remember: Your new president is of German origin too !

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