Saturday, September 14, 2024

North Korea - Unveiling Uranium Enrichment Facility

北韩不藏了! 金正恩首度公开浓缩铀设 射弹挑衅. 公开核设施 朝鲜恫吓西方添筹码 视察浓缩铀 金正恩乐开怀:一看就浑身是劲【全球关键词 2024-09-13 三立iNEWS】

North Korea is no longer hiding! For the first time, Kim Jong-un made public the equipment for uranium enrichment, [some kind of a] 'rocket provocation'. By disclosure of nuclear facilities, North Korea intimidates the West, adding bargaining chips [=> for negotiations]. Inspecting the enriched uranium makes Kim Jong-un happy: Only by looking at it, he is brimming with energy.[Global Keywords 2024-09-13 by 三立 iNEWS]


Additional Information about Visitor Region Wichita (Kansas/USA):
The town of Wichita has a history of aircraft building. It is going to host a "Drone Light Festival" on September 20-22, turning the sky over Wichita into the canvas of a tremendous light show.
DJI, a Chinese tech company, has produced about 90% of the drones used by roughly 250 Kansas law enforcement agencies. DJI drones are said to be among the cheapest on the market, costing between $12,000 and $35,000 each, depending on the type.They are of the highest quality available.
Some Kansas lawmakers are now looking to prevent land from being purchased by corporations from foreign countries. A bill was brought up to prohibit companies domiciled or controlled by China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela from purchasing or leasing land within 150 miles of any U.S. military installation.
Official voice from Kansas: “It is clear that we are facing a new type of threat in the People’s Republic of China, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP has the goal of global dominance and usurping the United States as the world’s premier military and economic power.” [Info from different public US sources published in 2024]

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