Thursday, June 20, 2024

Putin in North Korea and Vietnam


克里姆林宫新闻局此前曾表示,普京此次访问是应越南共产党中央委员会总书记阮富仲的邀请。访问期间,普京将与越共中央总书记阮富仲、国家主席苏林等举行会见。双方将就俄越两国在经贸、科技和人文等领域进一步发展全面战略伙伴关系的现状和前景,以及国际和地区热点问题进行讨论并交换意见。会谈后将就成果发布联合声明并签署一系列双边合作文件。 在此前一天,普京曾到访朝鲜。值得注意的是,自俄乌冲突升级后,普京很少访问除独联体地区以外的国家。有分析认为,普京此访体现俄方对朝鲜、越南的高度重视,将助推双边关系向更高水平发展。



路透社20日报道称,在普京抵达越南前,他在当地媒体上撰文,赞扬越南在俄乌冲突上采取务实的解决方式。越南采取“竹子外交”(Bamboo diplomacy)政策,并没有谴责俄罗斯出兵乌克兰,因此被西方国家视为与俄罗斯关系太接近。 此次是普京自2017年以来再次访问越南,也是上任以来的第五次。预计他会与越南领导层举行会谈,以及到胡志明纪念堂献花等。

In the early morning of June 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, and began his state visit to Vietnam. Vietnam Communist Party’s Foreign Minister [Le Huizhou] and Vietnam’s Deputy Prime Minister [Chen Hongkawa] arrived at the airport.

The Kremlin Palace Press Bureau has previously stated that Putin’s visit was due to the invitation of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen [Tujan]. During the visit, President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen [Tujan]. The two sides discussed and exchanged views on further development of the two countries in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, and humanities, the current status and prospects of the overall strategic partnership, and international and regional hot spots. After the meeting, a joint statement was issued and a series of bilateral cooperation documents were signed.

The day before, Putin had visited North-Korea. It is worth noting that since the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Putin rarely visited countries outside the CIS region. Analysts believe that Putin’s visit reflects the high importance Russia attaches to North Korea and Vietnam, and will promote the development of bilateral relations towards a higher level.

Russian international affairs expert Grigori Trofim Chukou believes,Putin's visit to Vietnam coincides with the signing of the Treaty on the Basic Principles of Friendship Relations between Vietnam and Russia on the occasion of the 30th anniversary,is symbolic,“Vietnam has never joined the anti-Russian forces and groups,nor does not support any aimed at isolatingFor Russia, this is a particularly valuable geopolitical capital. "

The Vietnamese media 《People》published on June 19 that Putin will receive special attention during this visit from Vietnamese leaders and diplomatic experts. Many sides believe that this visit will inject new impetus for the development of bilateral relations and further consolidate the friendship between the two peoples. Three highlights of the article explain the significance of Putin's visit to bilateral relations.

Reuters reported on the 20th that before Putin arrived in Vietnam, he wrote in the local media, praising Vietnam for taking a pragmatic solution to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Vietnam adopted “Bamboo diplomacy” policy, and did not condemn Russia sending troops to Ukraine, so Western countries considered [Vietnamese] relations to Russia being too close.

This is Putin’s fifth visit to Vietnam since 2017. Meetings with the Vietnamese leadership are expected to be held, as well as flowers to the Ho Chi Minh Memorial Hall.

[腾讯网, Shenzhen / Guangdong on June 20. Please note: The writing of Vietnamese names
has been adopted from the Chinese text without countercheck with their Vietnamese writing.]


Russian President Vladimir Putin made a state visit to North Korea from June 18 to 19, and a state visit to Vietnam from June 19 to 20. This is the second visit to Korea since Putin was the Russian head of state, and the last visit was in 2000, and this is the first state visit by Putin to Vietnam since 2017. Prior to the event, Putin signed a treaty order on the conclusion of a comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and North Korea.

Putin’s visit to Asia attracted high international attention. The United States, NATO and Japan and South Korea closely monitor Putin's visit itinerary,concerned Russia-Korean military cooperationAnd for General Putin's visit to Vietnam, the U. S. Embassy in Vietnam accused unnamed, "No country should provide a platform for Putin to propagate its 'war of aggression'. "

Analysts believe that at the time of NATO strengthening sanctions against Russia and confrontation, Putin's next trip to Asia obviously continues to deepen Russia's "looking east" strategy. On the 18th, Putin published a signed article in Korea's Labor News, saying that the United States imposed on the world the so-called "rules-based order", essentially speaking of global neocolonialism based on "double standards". Those who disagree with U. S. practices while pursuing an independent policy face increasingly severe external pressure. Putin said that through joint efforts between Russia and Korea, “the bilateral cooperation will be raised to a higher level. ”



On the 18th, Putin published an article titled “Russia and Korea: A Tradition of Friendship and Cooperation Across Ages” in the newspaper Labor News in North-Korea. Russia and Korea have maintained the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust, friendship and good-neighbourly relations for more than 70 years. This article was published on the Kremlin Palace website on the day. Putin said, “Pyongyang was in the past, and now we are still firmly like-minded and supporters, ready to resolutely resist the West and prevent the establishment of a multi-polar world order." He said, “We will develop non-Western controlled alternative trade settlement mechanism, jointly boycott illegal unilateral restrictions.”

[網易, Beijing on June 19]

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