Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel - Egypt - Lebanon
Rising Tensions after Indiscriminate Rafah Bombing

Last Update on May 29:
Mexico: Pro-Palestine
protestors clash with
police injuring 6 setting
fire to Israel's embassy.

Algeria recently put
forward UN resolution
draft in support of the
Gaza people suffering
from Israeli attacks.

حمدان: محرقة الخيام برفح فشل إستراتيجي للاحتلال وصمت العالم شراكة في الجريمة
Hamdan (*): The incineration of tents in Rafah is a strategic failure for
the occupation, and the world’s silence is an accomplice in the crime

كما شدد على أن الاحتلال الصهيوني لن يستعيد أسراه لدى المقاومة إلاَّ وفق شروط المقاومة التي قُدّمت للوسطاء في مصر وقطر، عبر صفقة حقيقية وجادة، وكلّما تأخّر (نتن ياهو) وداعموه عن هذا الاستحقاق، فقد المزيد من أسراه حياته على يد جيشهم وبالقصف الصهيوني وبالصواريخ الأمريكية

ولفت حمدان إلى أنّ استمرار التهرّب والمماطلة واستمرار القصف والعدوان، يعني أنَّ أسراهم قد لا يعودون إلاّ جثثاً، وربَّما لا يعودون

[Hamdan] also stressed that the Zionist occupation will not return its prisoners held by the resistance except according to the conditions of the resistance that were presented to the mediators in Egypt and Qatar, through a real and serious deal, and the longer “Stinky Yahoo” and his supporters delay this entitlement, the more of its prisoners will lose their lives at the hands of their [own] army, Zionist bombing, and American missiles.

Hamdan pointed out that the continuation of evasion and procrastination [Ausflüchte und Zögern], and the continuation of bombing and aggression, means that their prisoners may return as nothing more than corpses, or they may not return at all.

(*) The leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas,
Osama Hamdan, on his press conference on Monday evening.

[Beirut Time on May 27 evening]

Netanyahu calls deadly strike on Rafah a 'tragic mishap'

All informations included in the above video can be confirmed
by Arabic sources like Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya Net and Youm7.

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