Friday, March 08, 2024

Israeli Atrocities - Dilemma for Biden

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For the Biden administration, the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict has become an important issue dividing Democratic voters. In previous elections, American Jewish voters tend to support the Democratic Party. The political donations provided by pro-Israel groups to the Democratic Party far exceed their contributions to the Republican Party, almost twice as much as the latter. However, as the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip escalates, many young voters and ethnic minorities who originally supported the Democratic Party have become increasingly dissatisfied and strongly demand that the Biden administration put pressure on Israel to achieve an early ceasefire. During the primary campaign, Biden was already feeling pressure from progressive forces to do something without offending pro-Israel groups and appease the anger of other supporters.


Therefore, the Biden administration came up with the current idea of "passing a knife with one hand and a band-aid with the other hand". An important decision that Biden will announce in his State of the Union address is to use US military engineers to build a floating dock near the port of Gaza City. The US military does not need to land but works on ships to complete the construction of the dock, thus opening up a channel for transporting relief supplies from the sea to the Gaza Strip. Earlier this month, the US military, with the assistance of Jordan, airdropped aid supplies to Gaza. However, the delivery cost of military transport aircraft is high, the accuracy is poor, and more importantly, the carrying capacity is limited. Compared with the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, it is a drop in the bucket.


[腾讯网 on March 8]

According to multiple foreign sources, although this round of negotiations ended inconclusively, Hamas and Israel will continue to communicate indirectly. Many senior U.S. officials blamed Hamas for the failure to reach a ceasefire agreement, saying it was because the latter refused to release elderly and sick Israeli detainees.

Hamas responded that the United States and Israel have a cooperative relationship, and the United States' rhetoric confuses right and wrong. It is Israel that has been hindering efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement. Israel did not attend this round of negotiations, allegedly because Hamas refused to provide a complete list of Israeli detainees who are still alive.

In this round of negotiations, neither Hamas nor Israel made concessions on key issues: Hamas said it would not release Israeli personnel before a long-term ceasefire agreement was reached; Israel insisted that it would not release Hamas until it completely eliminated it. The military operation will not end. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated on the 7th that Israel will continue to advance military operations in the Gaza Strip.

Egyptian security sources revealed that the next round of negotiations is scheduled to begin on the 10th of this month.

According to the Associated Press, the mediator's previous hope that Palestine and Israel would reach a ceasefire agreement before Ramadan may not be realized.


'starvation tactics'

According to [UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael] Fakhri, Israel banned small fishing boats from the Gaza Strip and destroyed fishing boats, fishing houses and other facilities. Since the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out in October last year, about 80% of the Gaza Strip’s fisheries have been damaged. Not a single ship in the main port of Gaza City, located in the northern Gaza Strip and on the Mediterranean Sea, was spared, and all were destroyed by the Israeli army.


Adding fuel to the flames of the Palestinian-Israeli situation, the Israeli Civil Administration's High Planning Committee approved on the 6th the construction of 3,426 new housing units in Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The Palestinian Wafa News Agency reported on the 6th that Palestinian Presidential Spokesperson Abu Rudeina said that Palestine strongly condemns Israel’s move and believes that this approach will not bring security to any party.

[新浪科技 on March 9 (local time)]


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