Monday, November 21, 2016

Donald Trump's Embarrassing Ancestor

Today German mass media are reporting about Donald Trump's grandfather and his embarrassing secret.

Friedrich (Frederick) Trump's Family in the U.S. (1918)

Journalists only recently unearthed documents about Donald Trump's German grandfather from the public archives of Germany's Pfalz region were Friedrich Trump was born in the rural town of Kallstadt in 1869.

Friedrich Trump, or Frederick Trump as he named himself much later, left his impoverished hometown in 1885 in order to emigrate to the promised land of America. There he got rich with saloons and a brothel he founded at the West Coast of the U.S.A. and at times when the gold rush was not yet over and lots of male gold diggers still needed some entertainment.

When Frederick Trump decided to return to his home region in Germany which then belonged to the Kingdom of Bavaria, he had in mind to marry a girl and settle again in Kallstadt. It turned out, however, that Bavarian authorities were not fond of his private plannings. They charged him for unruly leaving the country and thereby avoiding obligatory military service for the King of Bavaria.

So he was called to leave his homeland as an American citizen which he had already become. Among the documents recently discovered is a petition Frederick Trump wrote in an obsequious manner to the Bavarian prince regent in order to avoid an official expatriation. Prince Luitpold, however, confirmed his administration's decision, and Frederick had to leave Europe a second time and together with his new wife Elizabeth in 1905.

At the time of his death in 1918 he left a small fortune to his eldest son Fred who much later became the father of Donald Trump. That Fred Trump founded what is nowadays known as the "Trump Empire" and he left to his son probably more money than Donald Trump might ever be able to loose in any of his past and future bankruptcies.


Reminders of World War II.

Further international visitors on November 22, 2016.

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