Military parade in Pyongyang celebrating N Korea's 3rd nuclear test
[People's Network, Beijing, February 17]
U.S. "think tank": Short-living sanctions are breaking
North Korea's train of thought in the nuclear deadlock.
人民网华盛顿2月15日电 (记者 李博雅)15日,有报道称朝鲜已经告知中国今年还将进行1至2次核试。而据布鲁金斯学会网站报道,朝鲜可能已经在秘密地点制造高浓缩铀,每年可以生产相当于几个炸弹威力的U-235铀燃料。
People's Network report from Washington, Feb. 15, correspondent Li BoYa:
There are news reports saying that North Korea already informed China this year [about its intention] to carry out another one or two nuclear tests. According to a report [to be found on] the website of Brookings Institute, North Korea should probably already manufacture highly enriched uranium at a secret site, being able to produce each year [enough] U-235 uranium fuel matching the power of "several bombs".
A Source of Foreign Policy Development in the U.S.
In today's article on North Korea's nuclear capacity, the ideas developed at Brookings Institute, a Washington "think tank", are thoroughly reported by semi-official People's Daily / People's Network without any Chinese comment added. You can find the quoted Brookings article on their website behind the following link:"Try Temporary North Korea Sanctions" written by Michael E. O'Hanlon and published on February 15, 2013.
The headline of a related news report from People's Network, published today February 17, is reading:
"Japanese media say Obama is expecting [Japan's prime minister] Abe to visit America for priority talks on the North Korean question."
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