—— 蓝图杂志的新闻 —— The news service of BLUEPRINT magazine, an international journal of culture, science and politics. BLUEPRINT magazine is mainly published in English and Chinese. Some additional articles are published in Arabic, German, French and Spanish. Editor: Wolfgang Wiesner "Ulysses" © 2005-2024
My favorite Links:
- Arabic Press - Opinion Polls 2002-2003 (War on Iraq)
- Au Delà De La Langue - Beyond Language 2021
- Riding the Internet Backbone 2024
- The Pillars of Palestine 2024
- The Nakba Day of Israel 2024 (Muslimic Media Comment)
- Arabic Literature / La Littérature Arabe
- The Rise and Fall of Nations according to Spengler's Hypothesis Decline of the West (Evaluation after the 2024 US Presidential Election)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Libya - Mysterious Death
العثور على جثة وزير النفط الليبي في نظام القذافي في نهر الدانوب
Corpse discovered in river Danube, belonging to
Libya's [former] oil minister during Gaddafi era.
According to Al-Jazeera and BBC Arabic, the former oil minister of Libya, Shukri Ghanim (شكري غانم), has been found dead in Vienna / Austria, floating in the Danube river. He served Gaddafi until his spectacular defection during the most militant phase of the Libyan revolution and was recently living in Vienna.
The Arabic text below has been extracted from BBC Arabic on April 29 and is followed by my own translation:
وقال مصدر في الشرطة النمساوية إن غانم لم يكن يحمل إثبات هوية، لكن كان بحوزته وثيقة تفيد بعمله في إحدى الشركات
Austrian police says that Ghanim did not carry with him any proof [or: paper] of identity but it seems that a document in his possession is indicating his function in some company.
وكان وزير النفط الليبي السابق قد ترك ليبيا في شهر يونيو / حزيران الماضي بعد اندلاع الثورة الليبية وغادر إلى النمسا التي يعرفها جيداً حيث مقر منظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط التي كان يحضر اجتماعاتها بحكم منصبه السابق
The former oil minister of Libya, after having left Libya last June [in the wake of] the outbreak of the Libyan revolution, [defected] to Austria which he knew well as the location of the organization of oil exporting nations and where he prepared the conferences with the authority of his former position.
Site of Death: River Danube at Vienna
Latest News from Iran:
إيران تقول إن هناك مؤشرات على مشاركة طائرات أمريكية في المناورات الخليجية
Iran says [there are] indicators [hinting at] a contribution of U.S. planes in [Persian Gulf] manoeuvres.
[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic channel, on May 1at, 2012]
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Iran: Israel Threatening International Peace
Recent UPDATES have been added !
中新网4月27日电 据伊通社26日报道
Cable from "China News Network" on April 27, citing an Iranian news agency report published the day before.
伊朗驳斥以色列对其核计划指控 称“毫无根据”
Iran denounces Israeli accusations of its nuclear programme, calling them to be "utterly groundless".
伊朗常驻联合国代表穆罕默德•哈扎伊日前 …… 表示 …… 以色列拥有数百枚核弹和其它非法的大规模杀伤性武器,是国际和平和安全的威胁。 ……
The day before, Iran's permanent delegate to the United Nations, Mohammad Khazaee, indicated that several hundred atomic bombs and other illegal weapons of mass destruction owned by Israel are threatening international peace and safety.
He pointed out that Israel is carrying out [some kind of] "government terrorism" [when] murdering scientists, however, [at the same time and] for no reason accusing Iran of being active in weapon smuggling.
Israel getting Cautious
رائحة "الانتخابات المبكرة" تفوح بقوة في إسرائيل
أصبح أمر توجيه ضربة عسكرية لإيران أكثر تعقيداً وأقل وضوحاً.. إلا إن كان نتياهو يبيت مفاجأة
A smell of "early elections" is being spread by Israeli authorities.
The [developing] subject of an [increasing tendency] towards a military blow at Iran becomes more complex [or: difficult] and less precise ... meanwhile Netanyahu remains "surprising".
Christians of the Holy Land
How they are treated by Israel
That's why I tried to find additional information within the network of the Roman Catholic Church as they must have encountered mistreatment of their Palestinian brothers and sisters in belief if there was any.
Indeed, there is relevant information available: On February 23, 2009, the online magazine "Katholisches Magazin für Kirche und Kultur" wrote about that subject under the headline: Palestinian Christians: "Pope should cancel visit to Israel" [Palästinensische Christen: "Papst soll Israel-Reise absagen"].
In a letter directed to Pope Benedikt XVI, 40 Palestinian Christians demanded to link his planned visit in May 2009 with certain conditions, including easier access of Westbank Christians to holy places inside Israel and the abolition of Israeli taxation of ground belonging to the Christian Church. Above all, the letter was intended to avoid an "increase of popularity for Israel thus downplaying the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli occupation." That information was even confirmed by Israel's most important daily Ha'aretz.
The above cited action of Palestinian Christians is only highlighting a situation where Palestinians are mistreated and oppressed under Israeli rule in a way that did not essentially change during the past decades. Having learnt much from history after the days of my brainwashed youth when I felt sorry for the Jewish state being surrounded by "bloodthirsty Arabic subhumans", I am now convinced that further "digging" into the matter will certainly unearth further annoying details about Jewish behaviour towards their Semitic brethren in the region and who enjoy to have the same godfather above them, no matter if they call him Jehova or Allah.
If you still like to read the related Al-Jazeera comment, here are some screenshots taken from the mobile version of that comment and comprising the whole text written by Ben White, a freelance writer for Al-Jazeera, specialising in Palestine and Israel:
Israel Immuring Itself
Site of a new wall along the Lebanese border where building has just begun (April 30, 2012): Adding to the notorious wall that separates the Jewish part of Palestine from Palestinian settlements.
Friday, April 06, 2012
Israel - German Submarine Delivery Raising Protest
News Update on April 8: Günter Grass banned from Israel over poem. [BBC]
News Update on April 11: Iranian oil exports to Germany have stopped and imports of EU products have been reduced. [Russia Today, Al-Arabiya]
News Update on April 15: German TV discussion on Günter Grass and his poem reveals different positions. => Complete report further down !
On the occasion of a new German submarine being delivered to Israel, one of the most distinctive literary figures in Germany has launched a public protest and warning. Günter Grass, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and whose books are available in different languages, has published a poem where he describes the imminent danger of a devastating war originating from Israel. In the frame of a difficult relationship between Germany and Israel and that is based on historic developments during World War II, Günter Grass is giving a most interesting evaluation of the current conflict between Iran and Israel. As his poem has been controversially discussed by different pressure groups in Germany and abroad, I prefer to offer my readers an accurate translation of the original text into English and French rather than just another comment. Feel free to quote my translations. - Ulysses -
Günter Grass - What Needs To Be Said
Günter Grass - Ce qui demande d'être dit
translation by / traduit parWolfgang Wiesner
" Why do I remain silent, keep silent too long on what is obvious and has been drilled in manoeuvres, at the end of which the survivors among us will remain but mere footnotes.
" Pourquoi je me tais, garde le silence sur ce qui est évident et exercé dans jeux tactiques où, à la fin, ce sont nous, les survivants, qui ne sont que des notes au bas de la page.
It is the claimed right of a preemptive strike that could erase the Iranian people, being subjugated by a loud-mouth and directed to organized cheering, only because in that guy's sphere of control the manufacturing of a nuke is being suspected.
C'est le droit prétendu d'un coup préalable ce qui pourrait effacer le peuple iranien, subjugué par un fanfaron et dirigé à l'exultation organisée. Seulement parce que dans la sphère de celui-là la construction d'une bombe atomique est présumée.
But why do I forbid myself to name that other country by its proper name where for many years, even though secretly, a growing nuclear potential is already available, but out of control because out of examination ?
Pourquoi alors je m'interdit de nommer cet autre pays où pour des années, même en cachette, un potentiel nucléaire en accroissement est disponible mais qui se trouve hors de contrôle n'étant pas accessible à aucune surveillance ?
The common withholding the truth, my silence has subordinated to, I feel it as a burdening lie and constraint, a constraint promising punishment if ignored, and the verdict of "antisemitism" being too familiar.
La réticence de cet état de choses à quoi mon silence s'est soumis, je la sente comme mensonge grevant et pression qui fait entrevoir la punition en cas de non-observation. Voilà l'antisémitisme - le verdict étant bien connu.
But now, that out of my country, being repeatedly taken to task by its own incomparable crimes, another submarine should be delivered to Israel, once again and all businesslike, even though declared as compensation by a ready tongue. Another submarine, the special character of which being to direct all-devastating warheads to a place where the existence of a single nuke is still unproven, the fear of its existence yet accepted as a proof. But now, I say what needs to be said.
Mais maintenant et parce que à partir de mon pays, ce qui est rattrapé à maintes reprises pour l'admonestation par ses propres crimes sans pareils, un sous-marin en plus devra été livré à Israel: Enfin, je dis ce qu'il faut dire. Un sous-marin, livré une fois en plus, aussi en style d'affaires, même déclaré en éloquence comme sorte de réparation, - un sous-marin dont sa spécialité est de lancer des ogives à l'anéantissement total d'un lieu où l'existence d'une seule bombe atomique, bien que pas prouvé, fait foi par crainte.
But why did I keep silent until now ? Because I thought, my personal background, being tainted with an indelible stigma (*), might forbid me to pester Israel with the outspoken truth of the fact. Israel being a country I am obliged to and intend to remain obliged.
Mais c'est pourquoi que je me taisais jusqu'ici ? C'est parce que je pensais que ma naissance, atteinte d'une tache jamais ineffaçable, doit m'interdire de demander trop à Israel, pays auquel je me sente rattaché, ce que je veux rester, doit m'interdire de demander trop avec cette réalité sous forme d'une vérité bien prononcée.
And why not earlier but now I say this, in my elder years and with a rest of ink ? Why saying now that Israel's nuclear power is endangering a global peace being fragile anyway ? Because there must be said what might come too late even by tomorrow. As well, because we Germans, already burdened down by guilt, could now become suppliers of a crime, predicted and expected, thus making it impossible to wipe out our complicity by using the usual excuses.
Et c'est pourquoi que je le dis si tard, dans mes dernières années et avec le fond de l'encre, que la puissance nucléaire d'Israel mets en danger la paix globale, fragile de toute façon ? Parce que ce qu'il faut dire c'est ce qui pourrait arriver trop tard le lendemain prochain, aussi que nous, les allemands si accablés, pourraient devenir les fournisseurs d'un crime, assez prévisible pour que notre complicité ne soit pas rachetable par des excuses habituelles.
And I admit: I don't keep silent any more while being fed up with Western hypocrisy. Moreover, there will be hope that many others free themselves from opportune silence and might, instead, demand from those responsible for visible danger to refrain from using force. And then likewise demand that unhindered and permanent control by means of international authorities of, both, Israel's nuclear potential and Iran's nuclear facilities should be accepted by both countries' governments.
Et je l'admets: Je ne me tais plus parce que je me dégoûte de l'hypocrisie occidentale. Qu'on puisse espérer également que beaucoup plus d'autres pourraient se libérer du silence et qu'ils demandent la renonciation à la violence de ceux qui causent la violence visible, aussi bien qu'ils insistent pour que les gouvernements des deux pays acceptent un contrôle permanent et sans obstacles du potentiel nucléaire israélien et des installations nucléaires iraniennes par une autorité internationale.
It's only such that help can be brought to all of them, Israelis and Palestinians, and even more, all quarrelling people that are densely inhabiting this region and which is occupied by madness. This, in the end, would even help us. "
Et c'est ainsi, seulement, que l'aide peut arriver aux peuples d'Israel et de la Palestine et, plus encore, à tous les hommes vivants, serrés et réciproquement hostiles, dans cette région et qui est occupée par l'égarement humain. Et c'est ainsi que l'aide peut arriver aussi à nous. "
(*) = While speaking about the stigma of his personal background, Günter Grass is referring to the days of his youth when he was serving in Hitler's elite forces ("Waffen-SS"), yet without being a decided follower of nazi rule. His literary works that came into being after World War II always underlined that he had learnt his lesson like many others of his generation. It's already years ago that I learnt more about Günter Grass and enjoyed some of his works with growing respect for the author. - Ulysses -
German submarine U-33 (above) powered by most advanced fuel cell technology (below).
UPDATE for April 15:
A German TV discussion on Channel 1 dealing with the above mentioned Grass poem on Israel has unearthed the following positions:
Michael Wolffsohn, a Jewish historian born in Israel considers the Grass poem as including an antisemitic tendency. He is mainly supporting the official position of Israel, yet trying to weaken the facts predicting a feasible Israeli assault on Iran and playing down the importance of German weapons delivery to Israel.
Dirk Niebel, German minister for aid to developing countries and who personally learnt about strict treatment of Palestinian citizens even in their territories. He prefers some kind of "matter-of-fact" evaluation of Israeli policy that enables the possibility of further German-Israeli talks. Like Wolffsohn he is playing down the importance of German weapons delivery to Israel.
Michael Degen, famous German actor and survivor of the holocaust is lacking understanding of the Grass poem and feels himself unable to classify it as free from antisemitism. On the other hand, Degen is not in favour of Israel's policy that supports or ignores Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories.
Jakob Augstein, a well-known German journalist, acknowledged son of "Spiegel" magazine founder Rudolf Augstein, fully supports the intention behind the Grass poem and underlines its necessity, thus distinguishing himself from many of his German colleagues. As to an earlier remark of Günter Grass hinting at "gleichschaltung" of the German press when it comes to critisize Israel, Augstein confirms his view of a press in "secret agreement" on the publishing of positions that might be unwelcome [and therefore hazardous to the career of a journalist].
Heide Simonis, a former regional prime minister [state of Schleswig-Holstein] and personal friend of Günter Grass is critisizing the Grass poem in style but not necessarily in its basic content. What has to be critisized from her part is German Chancellor Merkel's public address in front of Israel's parliament [Knesseth] and that should ensure Israel of Germany's "intrinsic debt to guarantee the very existence of Israel", that declaration being critisized for creating a legal problem in the frame of Germany's constitutional law. Furthermore, Frau Simonis is an opponent of any weapons deal between Germany and Israel as German constitution forbids any delivery of weapons whatsoever to crisis area.
German Chancellor Frau Merkel in her 2008 Knesseth speech.
لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُواْ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُمْ مَّوَدَّةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ الَّذِينَ قَالُوَاْ إِنَّا نَصَارَى ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لاَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ
" You will find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews and the idolaters (*). And you will find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say: Behold! We are Christians. That is because there are priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogant. "
[The Holy Quran 5:28]
(*) = The idolaters are those who worship the Golden Calf or any other idol.
A 3-Stars-Location
News of the Day from Al-Arabiya's Arabic website:
رفسنجاني اتهم الرئيس الإيراني بنسف العلاقة مع الرياض
[Former Iranian president] Rafsanjani accuses the Iranian president [Ahmadinejad] of damaging relations with Riadh [Saudi Arabia].
في أعقاب الضجة التي أثارها هاشمي رفسنجاني من خلال تصريحاته التي انتقد فيها سياسة الحكومة الإيرانية في التعاطي مع ملف العلاقات السعودية الإيرانية والمفاوضات مع كل من مصر والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية جاء الرد عليه اليوم من على منبر صلاة الجمعة في العاصمة الإيرانية على لسان أحمد خاتمي إمام جمعة طهران المؤقت
In the aftermath of all that fuss which has been raised by Hashemi Rafsanjani on the basis of his declaration and that disapproves the Iranian government's policy concerning Saudi-Iranian relations as well as negotiations with Egypt and the U.S.A., [finally] came the repercussion ex-cathedra at today's Friday Prayers in Iran's capital by means of Ahmad Khatami, the provisional Imam of all Tehran.
رجل دين إيراني يتهجم على السعودية ويدافع عن الأسد
Religious man from Iran attacking Saudi Arabia and defending Assad.
Ahmad Khatami - Provisional Imam of Tehran
وتعليقاً على تصريحات رفسنجاني بخصوص المفاوضات مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ووصفه للعلاقات بواشنطن بالضرورة العقلانية قال أحمد خاتمي: لا أحد في البلاد يحظى بالمكانة التي تسمح له بالحديث حول المفاوضات مع أمريكا لأن المرشد الأعلى هو الوحيد الذي بهذه المكانة وليس أي شخص آخر
Moreover, as a comment on Rafsanjani's proclamations, regarding those negotiations with the U.S.A. and the specific character of relations with Washington [and that should] necessarily be of a rational quality, Ahmad Khatami said: " Nobody in the country benefits from any authority that allows itself a conversation on changes in the negotiations with America because the supreme [leader] has to be the only authority [to decide] this matter and no-one else. "
For a better understanding:
Hashemi Rafsanjani = A former president of the Islamic Republic of Iran (1989-1997), now regarded as an elder statesman and pragmatic conservative, seeking to avoid conflict with the U.S. and the West.
Global distribution of the last 200 visitors to
- blueprinteditor.blogspot.com - according
to external webstatistics of April 18, 2012:
Click to the picture for a better resolution !
The tip of the iceberg:
Global visitors to - blueprinteditor.blogspot.com - and who are interested in Günter Grass and his political poem " What needs to (or: must) be said ", as recorded by web-statistics.
Please note: Only such visitors have been detected together with the region they came from who are using a final country tag (i.e. ".us", ".de", ".au" etc.) in their address. Personal identification should be almost impossible and probably irrelevant as this site only presents legal content. In rare cases when visitor statistics might enable the identification of visitors in "problematic" regions, such data are neither given away to interested parties nor stored anywhere. - Ulysses -
Further global visitors to that blogspot, yet not using a special reference to Günter Grass, came from different places in Germany, from Taipeh (Taiwan), Saint-Étienne in the French Rhone-Alpes region (Centre Régional Des Oeuvres Universitaires Et Scolaires), Vienna (Austria), Valencia in Spain (Universidad de Valencia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Halifax in the Nova Scotia region of Canada (Dalhousie University), Sydney and another location in the New South Wales region of Australia, Moscow (Russia) and from Iowa state in the U.S.A.. Additional British visitors came from Essex and Richmond-Upon-Thames.
Global distribution of visitors referring to my English translation of Günter Grass:
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