الاقتصاد و السياسة في سوريا
Economy and Politics in Syria
After weeks of political uprising, accompanied by repeated military crackdown on protesters and waves of immigration into Turkey and Lebanon, the people of Syria will have to recognize that their country's economy, as well, is driving from bad to worse. Here some news from the Arabic service of Al-Jazeera TV.
رؤية الحكومة للوضع الاقتصادي
Reflection(s) of the Government on the Economic Situation:
سوريا غنية جدا و الحكومة تحاول تعبئة موارد الدولة
Syria is very rich and the government tries to mobilize national resources.
ما أشيع عن تهاوي الصادرات بنسب تفوق 40% أقوال تنطوي على مبالغات
It is unsatisfactory that the decline of exports is related to a predicted increase of 40% which is [already much] exaggerated.
مؤشرات سلبية
Negative Indicators:
صندوق النقد يتوقع انكماش معدل نمو الاقتصاد السورية إلى %3
The [international] monetary fund has predicted an overall reduction of economic growth of 3%.
يعني هذا الانكماش تسريح مئات الالاف من وظائفهم
In other words, that shrinking [of economy] will set free hundreds of thousands [of employees] from their jobs.
كما يعني ذلك الأمر تراجع القدرات الشرائية للمواطنية السوريين
That means, as well, it is in fact a regression of spending power within the Syrian population.
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