Thursday, October 12, 2006

North Korea - Welcome to the Club !

"Yesterday the Devil came here,
right here. And it still smells of
sulphur today."
(H. Chavez after the inauguration
speech of U.S. president G. Bush,
opening the new round of sessions
of the U.N. general assembly.)

After North Korea entering the club of nuclear lunatics ....
What the world needs now, seems to be a decent nuclear weapon's "test",
launched by our special friend George Bush and directed against North
Korea or the Islamic Republic of Iran or Cuba (as long as Castro is still hospitalized) or, let's say, Venezuela (to punish president Chavez for hav-
ing smelled the Devil in the United Nations assembly). At least, everybody
should know that there's only one single gentleman on earth entitled to
pull the trigger. If its not for Holy Oil it might be for the benefits of a
Holy War against terrorism. Therefore, hurry to buy your share in the
weapon's business to be among the guarantied winners !

As to this subject, here's a special offer that reached me by email:


GOING PUBLIC Tuesday, OCT. 9th, 2006


DEFENSE DIRECTIVE (ticker: DFSE), a major manufacturer of
weaponized chemicals and anti-terrorism detection devices will be
going public Tuesday, 10/9. The products that Defense Directive
creates are used in each major airport in the U.S.A., and the com-
pany has important long-term government contracts to furnish the
U.S. military with DFSE's equipment.
Talk about a company with products that's in high demand! DFSE's
military contracts will guarantee this company an impressive revenue
stream that simply won't be ignored.
This IPO is certain to generate massive interest from the investment
community, as well as valuable media coverage due to the current
turmoil in the Middle East.


Now have a nice day (it might be your last),

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