Sunday, June 04, 2017

China Navy News - 中国海军新闻


China's 40.000 tons amphibious assault ship of the 075 class ready to show soon !
Certain people might not be ready for it !

继我国第一艘国产航母下水引起的轩然大波后,另一则关于中国海军的消息又成为了中外媒体关注的焦点。 据外媒报道,中国第一艘两栖攻击舰075型将在2020年完工,其吨级与美国最大的“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰相当, 这将有助于中国在直升机使用方面比肩美国。

Following the mighty uproar caused by China's first homebuilt aircraft carrier being launched, another news item regarding China's navy became the focus of interest of foreign media. According to foreign media reports, China's first amphibious assault ship of the 075 class should be completed in 2020. Its tonnage corresponds to that of the "Wasp", America's biggest amphibious assault ship. This would help China to apply helicopters, such matching with the U.S.

[Source: SOHU 搜狐 on May 29, 2017]

Model of 075 Class Amphibious Assault Ship
[Chinese source published on June 3, 2017].

Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from the Chinese seaport of Dalian where
China's first completely homebuilt aircraft carrier was recently launched.

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