Thursday, May 05, 2016

Aleppo - Hope for Relief

News Updates added below on May 6 / May 7, 2016:

An arrangement between the U.S. and Russia might finally bring relief for Aleppo, the town in northern Syria that, until now, suffered from incessant air-raids launched by forces of Basher Assad and his Russian allies.

هدوء في حلب بعد سريان الهدنة

Calming down in Aleppo after armistice entered into effect.

قال مراسل الجزيرة في حلب شمالي سوريا إن الهدوء عمّ المدينة في الساعات الأولى من صباح اليوم الخميس مع بدء سريان الهدنةغرد النص عبر تويتر التي اتفقت عليها الولايات المتحدة وروسيا، وقال النظام السوري إنه سيلتزم بها لمدة 48 ساعة.ـ

A correspondent for Al-Jazeera in Aleppo, northern Syria, reported a general calming down in the township during the first moments of Thursday morning [i.e. today, May 5] with the armistice entering into effect and the decision being "chanted" via Twitter regarding an arrangement between the United States and Russia and [a declaration] from the Syrian regime it would stick to [that arrangement] within 48 hours.

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة on May 5, 2016]


مجلس الأمن يحمّل نظام الأسد مسؤولية تدمير حلب

[UN] Security Council accuses Assad's regime of
being responsible for the devastation of Aleppo.

يعقد مجلس الأمن جلسة طارئة في هذه الأثناء لبحث الأوضاع في حلب وقد حمّل النظام السوري مسؤولية تدمير المدينة.ـ

The [UN] Security Council has called in an exceptional meeting [during the current period] for an evaluation of the situation in Aleppo and has [already] accused the Syrian regime of being responsible for the town's devastation.

اتفاق أميركي روسي.. الهدنة تشمل حلب

Agreement between America and Russia
... The cease-fire [should] include Aleppo.

واشنطن تأمل من موسكو الضغط على الأسد للالتزام بالترتيبات الجديدة

Washington is expecting Moscow to put pressure on Assad
with respect to [his] commitment to the new arrangements.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on May 4/5, 2016]


Latest News on May 6, 2016:

خسائر للنظام وحزب الله بحلب والغارات مستمرة

[Assad] regime and Hisbollah suffering losses in Aleppo in continued attacks.

أعلنت فصائل المعارضة السورية المسلحة أنها أسرت عناصر بجيش النظام وحزب الله اللبناني وسيطرت على بلدة خان طومان ومحيطها بريف حلب، كما أكد حزب الله فقد الاتصال بمجموعة من مقاتليه، في حين شن النظام غارات على ريف إدلب، واستمرت المعارك بريف دمشق.ـ

Armed Syrian opposition groups reported they captured members of regime troops and from Lebanese Hizbollah and took over control of Khan Tuman community [and its environment] in Aleppo [district] as was confirmed by Hisbollah who had lost contact with a group of their fighters while the regime attacked in the Idlib [district] and fighting continued in Damascus [district].

Editor's Note:

- As to the proceedings in the Idlib region, an Al-Jazeera TV special showed homeless civil victims whose make-shift dwellings were hit during an air-raid by Assad's air force. An overall death toll of 30 was simultaneously reported and that should include an unknown number of children.

- The Khan Tuman community, mentioned above, is located 15 km southwest of Aleppo city. The village of Khan Tuman has been taken by a group of "Islamic opposition fighters" on Friday, May 6, according to a later report by Al-Arabiya (May 7).

[Source: Al-Jazeera الجزيرة on May 6, 2016]


Latest News on May 7, 2016:

Photo from the archives: Iranian fighters in Syria

الحرس الثوري يقر بمقتل 13 مستشاراً إيرانياً قرب حلب

The Revolutionary Guards lost 13 Iranian advisers in combat near Aleppo.

قر الحرس الثوري الإيراني، اليوم السبت، بمقتل 13 مستشاراً عسكرياً إيرانياً قرب مدينة حلب السورية في أكبر خسائر تلحق بإيران على ما يبدو منذ أن أرسلت قوات لدعم رئيس النظام السوري بشار الأسد.ـ

On Saturday [i.e. May 7] the Iranian Revolutionary Guards lost 13 Iranian military advisers in combat near the Syrian town of Aleppo in the biggest Iranian losses since troops were sent to support the president of the Syrian regime Basher al-Assad.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on May 7, 2016]


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